Deaf Culture and Community Will Likely Disappear

Prediction 30 years from now, Deaf culture and community will disappear! As seen on article: Deaf Gerbils 'Hear Again' After Stem Cell Cure

BSL Zone: The End

A drama envisaging a terminal decline of Deaf culture.

We are therefore currently only showing this film with subtitles.

Here's the linked to watch video:

Whether you are hearing or Deaf, it is recommended to watch this film with subtitles. There is spoken content which Deaf people will struggle to understand without subtitles, and there is British Sign Language which many hearing people will not understand.

This film was written and made with Deaf and hearing people in mind, and the film-makers really wanted to make a crossover film from the perspective of Deaf people and Deaf culture.

Ted Evans (Writer/Director) and the team behind The End quite rightly want the film to be accessible for everyone - However watching the film without subtitles would prove to be very difficult.

We are therefore currently only showing this film with subtitles.

Here's the linked to watch video:


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