About a month ago, my mom and I went to the fuchsia event at Fred Meyer. They will fill your pots with soil and plant the plants you have purchased from them. My mom and I shared a 6 pack of mini tomato plants and I got some marigolds to keep the bugs off my tomatoes. I also got lettuce and basil and put those in a planter that fits on the rail of the deck.
Then this last weekend I picked up 3 tomato plants from the farmer's market. A friend sells tomatoes every year and we get tomatoes from him every year. Sunday, I planted the tomatoes in 5 gallon buckets. I had the Hardworking Husband drill holes in the bottom so they can drain.
I will be gone for about 2 and half weeks. When I get back I will plant zucchini and squash in large round rubber feed pans. I bought these while we were in the apartment. The HH drilled holes in the bottom of these for me also. I'm sure a pepper plant will end up in one of these also.
I guess the container garden will keep me from going overboard this year. But I'm hoping to have enough space next year to plant a huge garden. I want to be able to sell some of my produce. This year I'm selling raspberry and strawberry plants at the farmers market.
Were you able to plant your garden like you wanted? Or did a move change your plans? Or maybe you couldn't get out as much as you wanted because of allergies? Mine were so horrible this year.
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