Russia’s Urals region has been rocked by a meteorite explosion in the stratosphere. The impact wave damaged several buildings, and blew out thousands of windows amid frigid winter weather. Hundreds have sought medical attention for minor injuries.
Around 1200 people have sought medical attention in Chelyabinsk alone because of the disaster, the region's governor Mikhail Yurevich told RIA Novosti. Over 110 of them have been hospitalized and two of them are in heavy condition. Full story and pictures:
CCTV: Meteorite blast wave blows out doors, windows in Russia.
Huge hole as Russian meteor smashes into icy lake.
Among the injured there are 159 children, Emergency ministry reported. A 52-year-old woman who suffered spinal fracture will be transported to Moscow for treatment. ... Read more:
Report of the First Channel of Chelyabinsk Meteorite of video is a Hoax.
Watch fakery video meteorite hits Russia:
The report of the Chelyabinsk meteorite Channel named place of a meteorite crater known gas "Darwaza", located in Turkmenistan:
Доклад Первого канала Челябинск метеорита видео, является мистификацией.
В репортаже про Челябинский метеорит Первый канал назвал местом падения метеорита известный газовый кратер "Дарваза", расположенный в Туркменистане.
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