The Do-Si-Do Skirt

skirt refashion

A couple weeks ago, I came across the most random, but wonderful find at a yard sale.
Square dancing skirts.
Yep. I know it's completely crazy, but when I saw the mounds of gorgeous fabric, I just had to have them. So, I paid a total of $5 for 4 beautiful square dancing skirts in burgundy, peach, light blue and navy.
square dancing skirts
I decided to make skirts for Miss Magoo from them. She loves anything frilly, and adores dressing up. When I showed them to her and asked if she wanted me to make her a skirt out of one, her face lit up like it was Christmas!
child frilly skirt

It was actually very simple. I cut down the seam of a skirt. Then I measured Miss Magoo's waist. I then laid out the skirt, measured to the width of Miss Magoo, and cut a straight line down through the square dancing skirt. Then I sewed it up, and fitted it with new, shortened elastic.
I also decided to make some shorts to sew in to the skirt, since the fabric is somewhat sheer. For the shorts, I used a seam ripper and took apart a pair of shorts that fit Miss Magoo, but that I don't particularly like. I used those as a pattern, and cut a pair of shorts out of the rest of the shirt I used for my No-Sew Headband. The fabric didn't match exactly, but since the shorts are under the skirt, you can't even see them most of the time (until Miss Magoo gets wild). The coloring in the picture makes them look like they are very different colors, but they aren't that different.
modesty shorts
Miss Magoo loves her new skirt!
child pretty skirt
child red skirt

child square-dancing skirt
little girl skirt

girl frilly skirt

I can't wait to make a couple more out of the other colors. I'm thinking about trying to make one into a dress, instead, but it will require a liner and layering, since it's a bit short for a dress. But I'll share the other ones as soon as they're done!
Do any of you square dance? Or how about refashioning clothing?

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