Every summer I think, we will not buy as many tomato plants next year. But then spring comes around, and I get gardening fever. I go to buy my plants (I used to start my own, but I'm too lazy now) and I see that it's cheaper to buy a 4 pack than it is to buy a single plant. And I like variety! So by the time I pick out some type of cherry tomato, a Roma, an heirloom, and an Early Girl or Big Beef or something, I've already got 16 plants.
16 tomato plants!!!
So I always end up with too many tomatoes.
We eat pizza a lot. Too much, really. But if my hubby had it his way, we would alternate between hamburgers and pizza and tacos, and that would basically be it. So our compromise is pizza once a week. I know, that's a ton (we alternate between pepperoni, chicken alfredo, and bbq chicken, but still....).
So I try to kill 2 birds with one stone by using some of those tomatoes for fresh pizza sauce. And I usually make this times 5 or 6, and then I freeze the extras in ice cube trays. After frozen solid, I put them in a ziploc bag and just pull out as much as I want. Usually 2-3 pizza sauce ice cubes is good for a pizza.
This pizza sauce is more like what you would get at a gourmet pizza shop, and it won't taste liked canned pizza sauce because the tomatoes aren't cooked. So just a heads up- it's different, but absolutely delicious!
1 clove Garlic
1 Tbs. fresh Basil
1 tsp. Salt
pinch of Pepper
1/4 tsp. Sugar
1 tsp. dried Oregano
2 Tbs. Oil (I use Olive)
2 Ripe Tomatoes
Tomato Paste to desired thickness
Blend the garlic and basil in a food processor-- you may have to scrape the sides a couple of times. Add the rest of the ingredients and blend without liquifying.
That's it!
Use it right away or freeze it in ice cube trays.
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