Every week in Sunday School at church, Miss Magoo gets a Bible verse to memorize.
I'll be honest, the first time she brought a verse home, I doubted that she'd be able to memorize it. This was probably 6 months ago, so she wasn't even 3 years old, yet. I think her first verse was "Be kind to one another." (Ephesians 4:32) Obviously, this was a shortened version of the actual verse.
As the week went on, I would just randomly say her verse. If the kids were squabbling over something, I'd say it. If I asked one of them to do something for me, I'd say the verse and tell them how much I appreciated the kindness of their helping me.
I asked Miss Magoo if she could say the verse several times that week, but she just looked at me blankly.
Then, one day I was listening to her play in the living room while I was cooking dinner, and I heard her say, "Be kind to one another. Ephesians 423272." Well, the reference was a bit off, but I was so proud of her!
From that experience, I found out that Miss Magoo doesn't learn by "repeat after me" type scenarios. She seems to do so much better by hearing something repeated several times, and then she will finally say it. And once I taught her the song that went with the verse, she loved it even more!
Now, here's the problem with the memory verses: I keep losing them. (Jan, if you are reading this, forgive my confession!) I will take them home, where Miss Magoo usually wants to look at them and put them in her Bible. And then we can't find them again. And since I'm pregnant (or at least that's the excuse I'm using) I don't have the slightest remembrance of what the verse was, even though I read it several hours before.
So.... several months ago I saw a cute "Verse of the Week" chalkboard on Pinterest, that linked to an Etsy shop. It was absolutely adorable, but I couldn't justify $42 for it. So I started looking on Amazon for a small chalkboard that we could use instead.
I found one that I thought was cute, but I obviously didn't read the dimensions. When I got it, it was a lot smaller than I had envisioned. Oh well. I decided to use it anyway.
I taped off the slate, and painted the wooden frame with a cream and teal chevron pattern. I've never attempted chevron before, and I'm guessing that there's a much easier way to do it than the way I did. But I don't think I'll attempt it again-- it was a lot of work!
So now that we have our Verse of the Week chalkboard, we will come home from church and write the verse on the chalkboard right away. Every evening at dinnertime, we will recite the verse.
Do you have any ways that help in teaching your kids to memorize scripture?
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