Deaf Websites Server Crashes 3-28-2013

VIDEO: Deaf Websites Server Crashes 3-28-2013.

The social network services for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing. The sites allows for registered users to upload and have available for the public their videos for viewing, However, the users saw on a screen appear "unable to connect and can't establish a connection to the server" in which the problems accessing internet server services that happened on 3-28-2013, it was actually possible mostly all server services crashes as DeafRead, DeafVideoTV, DeafCube, DeafPirateVideo, DeafVloggers, KissASL and more.

Some sites server services finally restore, otherwise cannot restore which are moving to a new server as seen on Tayler Mayer's who known as an owner of DeafRead and DeafVIDEOtv's video statement on YouTube to an explaination the benefits of server services that caused. Check this out!

For instance, Deaf vlogger find a bizzare and digusting on a server content as it appear "unable to connect and can't establish a connection to the ---HOLES server" which it appeared from DeafPrirateVideo by server service. Here's a vlog to watch the video in American Sign Language....

Deaf who owner website breakdown 3-28-2013.

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