I created this countdown to give to the children in my Sunday school class so they could use it with their families to prepare for Easter and be able to read the story leading up to Easter. It seems we jump straight from Palm Sunday to the Resurrection without any mention of the cross or the events leading up to it. Even if you have a Good Friday service some of the events seem to get skipped over. I've used the Resurrection Eggs in the past but it still seemed like we were trying to cram the whole story in. Last year, I sent the kids home with coloring pages and verses to read but this year I wanted to make something like an advent calendar only for Easter. This is what I came up with. I tried to keep the passage fairly short for every night and my family will probably read the verses out of my son's NIrV version so it will be easy for all of my children to understand. I ordered these stickers from Oriental Trading to give out to my students to place on each day after they did the reading.
I thought I would share it with all of you. So grab one or two or however many you want to use for you, your kids, or your family.

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