I lived near Ft. Hood, TX for about 7 years. I came to understand more the sacrifice these families make. Because they deployed too often, each soldier or airman sacrificed time with growing families, their own peace of mind, and so much more. Their families also sacrificed much. I am so grateful for the sacrifices each of them made.
While we celebrate our freedom, there are so many people who do not have freedom. It's hard to think about the horrible conditions of poverty some people live in around the world. Some are there because of war, some are there because of sex slavery, some are there because of AIDS, and some are there because they are raising handicapped children.
We are partnering with an organization called Trades of Hope that empowers women to use their skills to make beautiful products. These women are paid a fair wage allowing them to pay for food, a home, medical care, and education for their children. Things we take for granted. This organization also empowers women here in the U.S. by giving them opportunity to sell these products with in home parties.
My friend, Shannon Glaser, is a compassion entrepreneur with Trades of Hope. She has given me a scarf made by a woman in Nepal and one to give away to one of our readers. The scarf is beautiful. It is an hand loomed aqua scarf with threads of red, pink and black. It spruces up my outfits. I tend to dress pretty plain, and this makes me looks more fashionable. I love it!
Like I said, we are giving away one of these scarves! While this isn't a great sacrifice on our part, we want to promote this organization and the great work they are doing. Below is a rafflecopter with multiple opportunities to enter. Please join us in giving freedom from poverty to women around the world.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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